I love thunderstorms. Other than here, the last one I saw was in Hawaii, a few years ago, which is very strange for that part of the globe. But that afternoon, huge thunderheads rolled in over the water, and cracked so loudly the buildings shook while lightening struck the water so often you couldn't have counted it if you had tried. Hawaii hadn't had a storm like that in many years, and if you think a storm on the prairies is amazing, one building over 2,500 miles of ocean is indescribable.
This is the only thing I love about living here, that I can't get in BC. My in-laws live on one of the tallest hills in town, near the edge of town, so you can sit in the gazebo on their deck and watch the storm come in. I sat there the other day with my little niece Naomi, my dad-in-law, and my friend Cary, and you forget, when all the mountains are in the way, how massive the sky seems on the prairies. It's completely incredible. Naomi wasn't scared at all, just a little peeved that everytime she'd turn to me to tell me that she missed seeing the lightening, it would happen again, and she'd miss it all over. We sat out there and felt the thunder vibrate in our chests, and watched the fork lightening scissor its way across the sky, touching down in fat jagged streaks again and again. It was awesome. I love the sky turing black in the middle of the day, and for some reason, I feel very close to God. Maybe it's that thing we tell children, that thunder is just God speaking, but I've really always felt that way. So did David, apparently.
" Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness. The voice of the Lord is over the waters; the God of glory thunders, the Lord thunders over the mighty waters. The voice of the Lord is powerful, the voice of the Lord is majestic...The Lord sits enthoned over the flood; the Lord is enthroned as King forever" -psalm 29.
My mom-in-law said a little while ago, that God created us, and knew how to communicate with us. I had never thought of it that way. Like the girl who feels close to God when she's with her horse, or me and ol' Dave here, who experience His calming presence in a gathering storm of all places. I love that He would care enough to speak to us in ways that are relevant to us, and that I can trust that He knows how to communicate His heart, His love and conviction to people I can't. That's a comforting thought. I've been faced so often with people who you just want to shake, and scream "how can you not understand?!" (like white people in India, 'finding themselves' - personal missions pet peeve). There have been people I love who I have misrepresented Christ to, and people I will never see again, who I pray get more of a glimpse of Him than I offered. And this tells me that they will. That God is working in so many different ways across this globe, and in the day to day struggles that are simply, life. He knows, he's got it under control. "Don't worry, little one, go watch the clouds and know that I've got it, you don't have anything to worry about." Good to know. As I finish typing this, I look out my window, and no word of a lie, can see the big thunderheads building. Looks like another good storm tonight. Sweet.