It's so hard to pick just one! But I would have to say - this is it:
Day Two: Least Favorite Song
How Bizzare - OMC
It's hard to explain why I hate it so much. It makes me want to slap someone. Did they have more songs than this? I don't know. I do know that if I am shopping, and this song comes on, I will put down my purchase, walk out of the store and come back later, if I'm feeling generous. It might literally be the most annoying thing I've ever heard. Yep. Just makes me want to slap someone across the back of the head. Maybe when they're not expecting it, and it makes them trip and do that running thing where your arms kind of windmill while you're trying to catch yourself.
That being said, I have hated Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen since the third grade. Someone's mom worked in the school and let us in at night for a birthday party in the library, at Valley Manor. The movie chosen was Wayne's World. Third grade party. I know. There's something that is crazy creepy anyway about being in a school late at night with all the lights off, but since that night, I had a recurring nightmare that had Bohemian Rhapsody playing in the background. For YEARS. I never could make myself like Wayne's World, even once I watched it when it was age appropriate - maybe that's where my intense hatred of that type of comedy comes from as well? Goodness sakes I have issues, not that that's news to anyone at all. There you go.
10:08 AM
Haha, I don't mind that song. It reminds me of Gr. 9 so much. Maybe it's more nostalgia than anything, because I used to really like this song back then. But I definitely don't want to smack people in the back of the head. Although, if you want to, I will totally watch people do the windmill arms.
4:21 PM
Haha, I like this song! Sang it and everything :P