First, I must apologize to Carrie for the loss of her beautiful template that used to be here. I thought it would be fun to play with the idea of a new one, since I haven't used the older one for a couple of years. In a lovely show of technological genius, I lost the old template forever. I blame her partly though, as I got hooked on the idea by looking at her new template and then that was that.
So I also did up a blog for Bella, and hopefully can publish to that more often. I'm becoming less and less of a fan of Facebook every day. Here's my latest reason:
My biological father had the unmitigated gall to show up at my Uncle John's funeral. I am so sorry to his family for this. What a bastard (hmm, three posts, two cuss words. Hopefully this isn't the start of a trend). I can't believe the uncles didn't get together and bodily remove him from the premises. I would have done it, if I had been there, and if I were big enough...however with this baby weight I'm still packing around...sorry, I digress.
I know why he was there. He wanted to see me or Robyn, Reagan or Shawn, and assumed we'd be there. I should correct that. He didn't want to see us. He wanted my mom to see him seeing us. Oh the words that run through my head (see above). Anyway, his new wife Nettie commented to my mother how beautiful we all were. My mom wanted to know how in the world he got pictures of us, and he said that my "uncle" Joe had pulled them off of Facebook and saved them to the computer for Dave. Unbelievable. He has not one right to look at a photo of us. He is not at all worthy of looking at my beautiful daughter and fancying himself some form of grandfather. He's not. He is Bella's mothers sperm donor and nothing more. If I could erase him from her family tree, I'd do it in a heartbeat. In fact, in her baby book, he's not on the family tree anywhere. If I could somehow never tell her about him, that'd be great. I'd be happy if she never even knew of his existence.
Anyway, I have ruthlessly pared down my friends list, and I'm pretty sure everyone we know has removed Joe Adrian as a friend. My privacy settings on Facebook are pretty tight, but still. Ewww. It just makes me furious to think about. I'm toying with the idea of making this blog private, which I will likely do soon. Bella's new blog is. You have to have permission in order to see it. This makes me more calm. I like it more. I'm tempted to take pictures of her off of Facebook entirely. Maybe this is overkill. I should talk to Peter about it. He'll tell me if I'm overreacting.
You know what scares me? Lots of stuff. But lately, it freaks me out that you can't get your photos off the internet. If I deleted my Facebook account this instant, lots of other people have photos of me on theirs. I can't control who Shawn is friends with, and in a couple weeks he is getting married, and then I'm sure he'll want to post pictures up. Those pictures will contain us. People I don't want to see us could see us. I don't know who Shawn is friends with. Probably nobody unsavory, but who knew Joe Adrian would give photos of me to one of the last people on earth I would want to have them. I don't like this one little bit. Anyway - that's my hypersensitive rant for today. With so much garbage going on, it shouldn't be at all hard to post once a day.
If you'd like to see Bella's blog - just e mail me your e mail address and I'll add it on. I tried to take a few e mail addresses from Facebook and put them on, so some of you will be able to just log on and see it, but if you can't, just let me know. In the meantime, the address is
Anyway, back to the template. Want to know what sold me? Well the coffee, and the pen and the post it (I'm sure I've blogged about my love of post-its before) and the leather-looking notebook. But above all of that is the paper looking placemat. Doesn't it look like something from Country Dining in Martensville?! Made me think of going for fries again. Which I apparently missed so much that I made them last night. Not exactly shrimp-chicken-lemon-dill-cream-carbs-deliciousness but I did have one culinary masterpiece of last night. I somehow managed to recreate in perfect detail, Moxie's basil-mayo french fry dip. It was divine. I'm thinking of all sorts of recipes that I could slather it on. Can't wait.
So I also did up a blog for Bella, and hopefully can publish to that more often. I'm becoming less and less of a fan of Facebook every day. Here's my latest reason:
My biological father had the unmitigated gall to show up at my Uncle John's funeral. I am so sorry to his family for this. What a bastard (hmm, three posts, two cuss words. Hopefully this isn't the start of a trend). I can't believe the uncles didn't get together and bodily remove him from the premises. I would have done it, if I had been there, and if I were big enough...however with this baby weight I'm still packing around...sorry, I digress.
I know why he was there. He wanted to see me or Robyn, Reagan or Shawn, and assumed we'd be there. I should correct that. He didn't want to see us. He wanted my mom to see him seeing us. Oh the words that run through my head (see above). Anyway, his new wife Nettie commented to my mother how beautiful we all were. My mom wanted to know how in the world he got pictures of us, and he said that my "uncle" Joe had pulled them off of Facebook and saved them to the computer for Dave. Unbelievable. He has not one right to look at a photo of us. He is not at all worthy of looking at my beautiful daughter and fancying himself some form of grandfather. He's not. He is Bella's mothers sperm donor and nothing more. If I could erase him from her family tree, I'd do it in a heartbeat. In fact, in her baby book, he's not on the family tree anywhere. If I could somehow never tell her about him, that'd be great. I'd be happy if she never even knew of his existence.
Anyway, I have ruthlessly pared down my friends list, and I'm pretty sure everyone we know has removed Joe Adrian as a friend. My privacy settings on Facebook are pretty tight, but still. Ewww. It just makes me furious to think about. I'm toying with the idea of making this blog private, which I will likely do soon. Bella's new blog is. You have to have permission in order to see it. This makes me more calm. I like it more. I'm tempted to take pictures of her off of Facebook entirely. Maybe this is overkill. I should talk to Peter about it. He'll tell me if I'm overreacting.
You know what scares me? Lots of stuff. But lately, it freaks me out that you can't get your photos off the internet. If I deleted my Facebook account this instant, lots of other people have photos of me on theirs. I can't control who Shawn is friends with, and in a couple weeks he is getting married, and then I'm sure he'll want to post pictures up. Those pictures will contain us. People I don't want to see us could see us. I don't know who Shawn is friends with. Probably nobody unsavory, but who knew Joe Adrian would give photos of me to one of the last people on earth I would want to have them. I don't like this one little bit. Anyway - that's my hypersensitive rant for today. With so much garbage going on, it shouldn't be at all hard to post once a day.
If you'd like to see Bella's blog - just e mail me your e mail address and I'll add it on. I tried to take a few e mail addresses from Facebook and put them on, so some of you will be able to just log on and see it, but if you can't, just let me know. In the meantime, the address is
Anyway, back to the template. Want to know what sold me? Well the coffee, and the pen and the post it (I'm sure I've blogged about my love of post-its before) and the leather-looking notebook. But above all of that is the paper looking placemat. Doesn't it look like something from Country Dining in Martensville?! Made me think of going for fries again. Which I apparently missed so much that I made them last night. Not exactly shrimp-chicken-lemon-dill-cream-carbs-deliciousness but I did have one culinary masterpiece of last night. I somehow managed to recreate in perfect detail, Moxie's basil-mayo french fry dip. It was divine. I'm thinking of all sorts of recipes that I could slather it on. Can't wait.
1:47 PM
He talked to Ang. She completely ignored him. If I had known he was there I would have thrown him out. Ass. What an ass. What kind of ass shows up at a FUNERAL when he KNOWS he is not wanted. Ang was worried about making a scene, but I would have enjoyed tossing him out. Ass. I wish I'd seen him. Stupid ass.
That's all I have to say, except you don't need to apologize for him. He is only your sperm donor and you don't need to take even that much responsibility for that ass. I was just glad you guys weren't there to be upset by him.
3:00 PM
I wish Angie had made a scene. I wish she would have so humiliated him (if that's possible) that he would have slunk out of there like the low life he is.
And I thought I'd had all my daddy issues resolved. I do! I just don't have all my "sperm donor" issues out of the way yet.
8:24 PM
The whole Facebook-blog-pictures on the internet thing freaks me out too. There's been a few times where I've thought too hard about it and have had the urge to delete every internet presence my kids may have online.
I try to tell myself that chances are the only people out there reading my blog and looking at pictures of us know who we are and have a vested interest in our lives. That may not be true. But it makes me feel better.
P.S. I blog-stalk you too. I'm glad to see you're back at it again.
9:12 PM
Okay, a little sad the blog template I made is gone, but...
I LOVE THIS!! It's so pretty and nice, and so you, I'd say.
I just COULD NOT believe that he was there. Oh my gosh. He was in the lineup while I was getting a sandwich and I almost lost my appetite. Yuckyuckyuckyuckyuckyuckyuck. What a complete and utter DOUCHE. I do remember being thankful that none of you guys were there for that reason only.
I've also been craving fries lately.
7:03 AM
LOL at your comment Becky!! A little nicer than what I would have written..that's why I'm not going to but I couldn't agree more!!!
5:33 PM
Magnificent idea and it is duly
5:20 PM
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
6:17 PM
ok, cool... i just brought even more some other new emo backgrounds on my blog