Pharmacists and Saggy Breasts

11.13.2009 8:23 PM 11 2009 Melanie
I'm telling you right now, I'm only posting because of this once a day thing. Today we found my mom something to wear for Shawn's wedding tomorrow, and dealt with a lot of other drama, that really doesn't involve me, but made for a great distraction.

I met my new pharmacist and he was so nice to me I nearly cried. He told me that if Bella is having trouble with her meds, that he'll make them different flavors until we find one she can stand. For now, they're tutti-frutti because that was always his kids favorite, even when they were as little as she is. He gave me his work schedule and his card with his number and told me to call anytime I ever have a worry or concern. He made up Bella's medicine in an hour. It's taken four hours before at BCCH, though, granted, they deal with a much higher volume of people.

I'm excited to see how Bella looks tomorrow, she's going to be the cutest thing ever. Tonight I'm sitting at my mom's and we're trying on nail polish and dresses and wraps. I'm not because well, I just had a baby and I'm fat and frumpy - and I challenge anyone to find worse Braun fingernails than I have. I'm going to buy stick on thingys at Shoppers tomorrow, and wear closed toed shoes and nylons with control tops and thighs, and hopefully everyone will look at my baby and not notice me at all. That would be fine by me. I wish my clippies had arrived in time, but I wasn't really counting on it, so I bought her a little beret. Of course I did.

In other news (STOP READING NOW IF YOU'RE MALE AND DO NOT CONTINUE FURTHER) I got my period today. Bella is only two and a half months old. I only stopped bleeding from having her three weeks ago. This bites. I'm so stinking mad I could spit. Oh well. To make all you women who have had babies laugh, I shall share a funny story about my Peter.
I was bemoaning the state of my once-perfect-perky breasts and how saggy they have become and what a nice distant memory my breasts became. Peter encouragingly said to me, "honey, don't worry so much. When you're done nursing, they'll bounce back a little". Now I'm alarmed. He obviously understands nothing of female anatomy after childbirth, and I was sure I had prepared him better. I say, "Babe, this is what my breasts look like full of milk. They are going to lose that milk, and then they're going to look even worse. I wonder how long I can legitimately breast-feed Bella for without causing any psychological damage?" He returns with, "Melanie (insert "tone" here), I have known women with four kids and their breasts looked just fine" (Insert "so there" pause here).
And me, "Yes darling, but did you see them with their bras OFF?"
Silence. Poor Peter, some things you just can't prepare a guy for.

6 Response to "Pharmacists and Saggy Breasts"

  1. Unknown Says:

    Oh my gosh, your new pharmacist sounds so nice! I'm super super glad for you!

    And I don't care what you say, you're gonna look great, and of course Bella's gonna be super cute.

    I laughed out loud at the last part. I don't know much about breastfeeding and stuff, but... they'll bounce back? LOL that's so cute!

  2. Cindi Says:

    I'm glad your new pharmacist is so wonderful!


    I hear you on the period! I got mine back on Wednesday. I really thought Tristan would be a bit older. BUT he does sleep through the night and he does only eat every 4 hours during the day, so I guess that's a pretty fair trade off!

    Also, I keep joking with Trevor that by the time I'm done nursing babies I'm going to have to roll them up to fill a bra!! :P

  3. Margaret Says:

    That is the most precious, hilarious husband story!The last part of that story had me almost in tears. Did he see them without bras. Ha ha ha!

  4. Becky Says:

    LOL. Oh Peter. He was living in this world where moms with four kids had nice breasts and now... Reality.

    Also, and I'm going to brag here but while I do it please remember that I had "morning" sickness for almost my entire pregnancies and brutal heartburn for the rest, as long as I nurse I don't get my period. And then it doesn't start until a few months after that. So with Ben I didn't get my period the whole pregnancy and then for almost a year after I had him!!! (Not counting the month of postpartum bleeding.)

    Also, I have my period today, and so does Cindi and Ang and you Mel! We're samers!!! High fives!

  5. Anonymous Says:

    i just got mine too! At least it did not come with the cramps!!
    Jen and Kassie

  6. Christine Says:

    Bwaaa haaaa! This made me spit coffee!!!

    Really though...your girls will still be beautiful. They do perk up quite a bit.